Nov 26, 2011

I am no longer using this blog. To follow my latest blog, Pen & Paint, please go to my website and follow the link. Thank you!

Oct 14, 2010

Comfortable Companions

Just being together

together facing anything

anything less would be a waste

‘waste’ my time and talents on you

you like me as I am!

am I home?

home is where you are

are you seeing me clearly?

clearly you don’t see my you?

you are forgiving

forgiving myself comes easier now

now silence is safe

safe places are found in you

you welcome laughter and tears

tears flow freely

freely you have given me hope

hope we’ll always be comfortable companions

copyright Jane Grant-Abban 2010

Jun 29, 2010

Serese's Peonies

Thanks to Serese for calling me and telling me her peonies were blooming! I had to snip and paint before they disappeared until next year. I wanted to capture the 'feel' of the petals.

Simple Beauty

Mar 27, 2010

Sarah’s Apron

And so she came
apron full with
all the treasures she had gathered.
She had sought Him and found Him.
She had labored and been rewarded.
She had planted and watered.
She had sat at His feet and
learned about the seasons and
how to be fruitful in each.

And fruitful she had been.

And so she came
apron full
happy to share from her labour of love
Though only the two of them knew
the tears they had shed for
this harvest.

Jane Grant-Abban copyright Jan 2010

Jan 4, 2010

Winter Light

Jan 3, 2010

Burden Bearer

Burden bearer carry me,
care for me and nurture me.
Burden bearer fill my cup,
quench my thirst, put me first.
Burden bearer laugh for me,
live for me, but let me be
who I am and where I stand;
carry me through barren land.


Burden bearer you get tired-
drained and spent and uninspired.
There are days where you feel weak
from walking roads with weary feet.
You have lifted and held fast
the lives of many who have passed.
Your door is open like your arms;
anxious souls your spirit calms.
So burden bearer, please remember,
to yourself you must be tender.
Take time to be a burden too,
so God Himself can carry you.

copyright Jane Grant-Abban Dec 2009

Dec 12, 2009


Wonder why they say ‘feeling blue’
Like it’s something sad or bad
When blue is the color of this wondrous winter sky,
and that magnificent ocean
stretching to the horizon and dreams beyond;
and the summer lake which laps against the sand
and my sockless feet,
and the color of your eyes, child,
which I drown in daily.

copyright Jane Grant-Abban Dec 2009
Crying on the Outside

This day I’m crying on the outside.
There are days where
sadness swells and gently washes on to my
happy beach but
retreats quickly without
knocking over my sandcastle structures
adorned with shells and fancy flags.
On such days
crying on the inside is enough.

But there are other days
where sorrow tsunamis its ways in
obliterating my sandy fort and
leaving nothing but indefinable mounds of wetness
and not a victory flag in sight.
On such days
crying on the inside is simply not enough.

copyright Jane Grant-Abban Dec 2009

Nov 17, 2009

Don't Look Back

Don’t look back, friend.
Don’t look back.
The past must not leave you standing in the road
either in longing or dread.
If good lies behind
bundle it up to carry with you- then
turn and walk on in to your tomorrow.
If pain haunts the road behind
stand not still in terror
nor let it travel with you to
chill you in the sunshine ahead.
Stop .
those things
that threaten to kill your hope or
prod and push you
away from brighter places.
Claw the earth.
Tear at it.
Do what must be done to lay them to rest.
Then move forward.
Crawl if needs be
But move forward....... and whatever you do....
Don’t look back, friend.
Don’t look back!

copyright Jane Grant-Abban 2009